In Between Collection

Watercolour painting with a large blue-ish blob in the middle and green lines on the sides

This is my newest collection "In Between"

Uncertainly has been a basis of growth for me over the past few years. Many transitions have happened. Our home moved from the US to Canada, the pandemic happened, my career has been in a state of flux and so has my art and in many ways my identity. Life in these past few months, years, days has been lived in little shifting moments. Neither here nor there. Somewhere in between.

I felt the name "In Between" described best how I feel right now. Growing. Knowing there is more. Wanting. Learning. Asking…what if? I don't know when I will stop feeling in between. Maybe this is a forever feeling. Perhaps I want to stay in this now and never arrive. Always in transition. Always in between.

These transitions are where we grow the most. We explore. We question. We try. This series is a result of my musings amidst this time of uncertainty. These 42 paintings were created during my in between times. Each mark, line, dot, blob added as I thought through this uncertainty.

Although these were created in my times of uncertainty, I hope they bring you calm, comfort and peace, for this is what they brought me as I painted them. The sizes are intentionally small. I am going back to school for learning coding and as I waded through new material, I needed to make something that I could quickly put away and setup the space to study. Smaller works made it easy to do so. I have been infatuated with greens lately and most of these have green in some way. Most of these have large blue-ish blobs of oblong shapes. My studio walls are this blue that shows up here. This is place of clam and quiet and I hold it close to my heart.

Materials used: Materials used are cold press water-colour paper with watercolour paint and black archival ink in some cases.

Ideal spaces:

Quiet home office space

A reading nook / small library

A corner of your living room

An art wall with multiple other paintings

Right beside a potted plant


5x5 Inches : $50 CAD / $40 USD

5x7 Inches : $70 CAD / $55 USD

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