Fragility & Fortitude
Exhibition focussing on mental health, illness & related life experiences.
It was a privilege to have 3 of my paintings in the Fragility & Fortitude exhibition with River Arts Inc. My work was amongst 70 other works and was curated by Kel Mur of River Arts Inc Gallery in Sauk Prairie, WI. I was one of the 46 artists from 17 different states in the US.
The focus of this exhibition is mental health and illness and how it seeps into other life experiences.
These works are available for purchase through River Arts on Water Gallery in Sauk Prairie, WI
Big Happy
Season Of Feelings
And Then She Cried

1. Delta Beer Market - Aug 2024
Organized by Dave at Madison Makers Market. He organizes quite a few markets throughout the year with fun events and opportunities to get to know local artists and makers in the Madison, WI area.

2. Artworks Show 2021
Organized by Marie Payne via Arts On The Credit. Mississauga, ON

3. Milton Craft Market
Milton, ON in Canada